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The number of overweight and obese people has increased alarmingly in recent decades and is no longer only a problem for the United States. Germany has the highest prevalence in Europe and it is very likely that obesity is partly responsible for the increasing number of benign and malignant diseases.

Excessive body fat increases the risk of a number of cancer diseases (particularly cancers of the oesophagus, pancreas, intestines, endometrium, kidneys and postmenopausal breast cancer) as well as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Likewise, an increased body fat percentage after successful tumor treatment can lead to an increased risk of recurrence of the disease.

For primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, as well as for the optimal treatment of cancer, coronary heart disease or diabetes mellitus, a normal body weight should therefore be aimed at. Nutrition and exercise therapies are central elements for normalising the energy balance and body weight and are offered in our Hector-Centre..