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Arbeitsgruppe PD Dr. rer. nat. Benno Weigmann

Transkriptionsfaktoren bei CED & Karzinom



Lechner KS, Neurath MF, Weigmann B. Role of the IL-2 inducible tyrosine kinase ITK and its inhibitors in disease pathogenesis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2020 Oct;98(10):1385-1395

Lechner K, Gerlach K, Popp V, Offensperger L, Zundler S, Wiendl M, Becker E, Atreya R, Rath T, Neurath MF, Weigmann B. The JAK1/3 inhibitor tofacitinib suppresses T cell homing and activation in chronic intestinal inflammation. J Crohns Colitis. 2020 Aug 18:jjaa162

Salazar Y, Zheng X, Brunn D, Raifer H, Picard F, Zhang Y, Winter H, Guenther S, Weigert A, Weigmann B, Dumoutier L, Renauld JC, Waisman A, Schmall A, Tufman A, Fink L, Brüne B, Bopp T, Grimminger F, Seeger W, Pullamsetti SS, Huber M, Savai R. Microenvironmental Th9 and Th17 lymphocytes induce metastatic spreading in lung cancer. J Clin Invest. 2020 Jul 1;130(7):3560-3575


Bellinghausen I, Weigmann B, Zevallos V, Maxeiner J, Reißig S, Waisman A, Schuppan D, Saloga J. Wheat amylase-trypsin inhibitors exacerbate intestinal and airway allergic immune responses in humanized mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Jan;143(1):201-212

Gerlach K, Weigmann B. The dichotomous function of interleukin-9 in cancer diseases. J Mol Med (Berl). 2019 Oct;97(10):1377-1383

Radulovic K, Ayata CK, Mak'Anyengo R, Lechner K, Wuggenig P, Kaya B, Hruz P, Gomez de Agüero M, Broz P, Weigmann B, Niess JH. NLRP6 Deficiency in CD4 T Cells Decreases T Cell Survival Associated with Increased Cell Death J Immunol. 2019 Jul 15;203(2):544-556

Becker M, Serr I, Salb VK, Ott VB, Mengel L, Blüher M, Weigmann B, Hauner H, Tschöp MH, Daniel C. Short-term cold exposure supports human Treg induction in vivo. Mol Metab. 2019 Oct;28:73-82

Zeeshan M, Ali H, Khan S, Khan SA, Weigmann B. Advances in orally-delivered pH-sensitive nanocarrier systems; an optimistic approach for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Int J Pharm. 2019 Mar 10;558:201-214.


Serr I, Scherm MG, Zahm AM, Schug J, Flynn VK, Hippich M, Kälin S, Becker M, Achenbach P, Nikolaev A, Gerlach K, Liebsch N, Loretz B, Lehr CM, Kirchner B, Spornraft M, Haase B, Segars J, Küper C, Palmisano R, Waisman A, Willis RA, Kim WU, Weigmann B, Kaestner KH, Ziegler AG, Daniel C. A miRNA181a/NFAT5 axis links impaired T cell tolerance induction with autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Jan 3;10(422)

Bohn T, Rapp S, Luther N, Klein M, Bruehl TJ, Kojima N, Aranda Lopez P, Hahlbrock J, Muth S, Endo S, Pektor S, Brand A, Renner K, Popp V, Gerlach K, Vogel D, Lueckel C, Arnold-Schild D, Pouyssegur J, Kreutz M, Huber M, Koenig J, Weigmann B, Probst HC, von Stebut E, Becker C, Schild H, Schmitt E, Bopp T. Tumor immunoevasion via acidosis-dependent induction of regulatory tumor-associated macrophages Nat Immunol. 2018 Dec;19(12):1319-1329

Hoensch HP, Weigmann B. Regulation of the intestinal immune system by flavonoids and its utility in chronic inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2018 Feb 28;24(8):877-881


Reißig S, Weigmann B. Monitoring of Chemically Induced Colitis. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1559:297-309.

Weigmann B, Neurath MF. Th9 cells in inflammatory bowel diseases. Semin Immunopathol. 2017 Jan;39(1):89-95.

Richter C, Herrero San Juan M, Weigmann B, Bergis D, Dauber K, Muders MH, Baretton GB, Pfeilschifter JM, Bonig H, Brenner S, Radeke HH. Defective IL-23/IL-17 Axis Protects p47phox-/- Mice from Colon Cancer. Front Immunol. 2017 Jan 27;8:44.

Popp V, Gerlach K, Mott S, Turowska A, Garn H, Atreya R, Lehr HA, Ho IC, Renz H, Weigmann B, Neurath MF. Rectal Delivery of a DNAzyme That Specifically Blocks the Transcription Factor GATA3 and Reduces Colitis in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2017 Jan;152(1):176-192

Reißig S, Weigmann B. Monitoring of Chemically Induced Colitis. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1559:297-309.

Wirtz S, Popp V, Kindermann M, Gerlach K, Weigmann B, Fichtner-Feigl S, Neurath MF. Chemically induced mouse models of acute and chronic intestinal inflammation. Nat Protoc. 2017 Jul;12(7):1295-1309


Ali H, Weigmann B, Collnot EM, Khan SA, Windbergs M, Lehr CM. Budesonide Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles for Targeting the Inflamed Intestinal Mucosa--Pharmaceutical Characterization and Fluorescence Imaging. Pharm Res. 2016 May;33(5):1085-92.

Weigmann B, Neurath MF. Oxazolone-Induced Colitis as a Model of Th2 Immune Responses in the Intestinal Mucosa. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1422:253-61.

Schmidt T, Lorenz N, Raker V, Reißig S, Waisman A, Weigmann B, Steinbrink K. Epicutaneous and Oral Low-Zone Tolerance Protects from Colitis in Mice. J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Sep;136(9):1831-1839

Serr I, Fürst RW, Ott VB, Scherm MG, Nikolaev A, Gökmen F, Kälin S, Zillmer S, Bunk M, Weigmann B, Kunschke N, Loretz B, Lehr CM, Kirchner B, Haase B, Pfaffl M, Waisman A, Willis RA, Ziegler AG, Daniel C. miRNA92a targets KLF2 and the phosphatase PTEN signaling to promote human T follicular helper precursors in T1D islet autoimmunity.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Oct 25;113(43):


Eschborn M, Weigmann B, Reissig S, Waisman A, Saloga J, Bellinghausen I. Activated glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP)-expressing regulatory T cells inhibit allergen-induced intestinal inflammation in humanized mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Jul

Gerlach K, McKenzie AN, Neurath MF, Weigmann B. IL-9 regulates intestinal barrier function in experimental T cell-mediated colitis. Tissue Barriers. 2015 Apr 3

Steiner S, Daniel C, Fischer A, Atreya I, Hirschmann S, Waldner M, Neumann H, Neurath M, Atreya R, Weigmann B. Cyclosporine A regulates pro-inflammatory cytokine production in ulcerative colitis. Arch Immunol Ther Exp. 2015 Feb


Gerlach K, Hwang Y, Nikolaev A, Atreya R, Dornhoff H, Steiner S, Lehr HA, Wirtz S, Vieth M, Waisman A, Rosenbauer F, McKenzie AN, Weigmann B, Neurath MF. TH9 cells that express the transcription factor PU.1 drive T cell-mediated colitis via IL-9 receptor signaling in intestinal epithelial cells. Nat Immunol. 2014 Jun 8.

Ali H, Weigmann B, Neurath MF, Collnot EM, Windbergs M, Lehr CM. Budesonide loaded nanoparticles with pH-sensitive coating for improved mucosal targeting in mouse models of inflammatory bowel diseases. J Control Release. 2014 Jun 10

Serr I, Weigmann B, Franke RK, Daniel C. Treg vaccination in autoimmune type 1 diabetes. BioDrugs. 2014 Feb

Daniel C, Gerlach K, Väth M, Neurath MF, Weigmann B. Nuclear factor of activated T cells - a transcription factor family as critical regulator in lung and colon cancer. Int J Cancer. 2014 Apr 15


Weigmann B, Franke RK, Daniel C. Immunotherapy in autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Rev Diabet Stud. 2012

Weigmann B, Daniel C. Treg vaccination with a strong-agonistic insulin mimetope. Curr Diab Rep. 2012 Oct

Schlenner SM, Weigmann B, Ruan Q, Chen Y, von Boehmer H.Smad3 binding to the foxp3 enhancer is dispensable for the development of regulatory T cells with the exception of the gut. J Exp Med. 2012 Aug

Gerlach K, Daniel C, Lehr HA, Nikolaev A, Gerlach T, Atreya R, Rose-John S, Neurath MF, Weigmann B.Transcription factor NFATc2 controls the emergence of colon cancer associated with IL-6-dependent colitis. Cancer Res. 2012 Jun 27.

Weigmann B., N. Schughart, C. Wiebe, S. Sudowe, H. Jonuleit, L. Vogel, C. Becker, M.F. Neurath, S. Grabbe, J. Saloga, I. Bellinghausen. Allergen-induced IgE-dependent gut inflammation in a humanized mouse model of allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012. Jan 9.

Ältere Publikationen

Daniel C, Weigmann B, Bronson R, von Boehmer H. Prevention of type 1 diabetes in mice by tolerogenic vaccination with a strong agonist insulin mimetope. J Exp Med. 2011 Jul

Weigmann B, Neurath MF. Selective targeting of activated T cells in chronic intestinal inflammation. Gut. 2009 Jun;58(6):747

Weigmann B, Lehr HA, Yancopoulos G, Valenzuela D, Murphy A, Stevens S, Schmidt J, Galle PR, Rose-John S, Neurath MF. The transcription factor NFATc2 controls IL-6-dependent T cell activation in experimental colitis. J Exp Med. 2008 Sep 1;205(9):2099

Weigmann B, Tubbe I, Seidel D, Nicolaev A, Becker C, Neurath MF. Isolation and subsequent analysis of murine lamina propria mononuclear cells from colonic tissue. Nat Protoc. 2007;2(10):2307

Weigmann B, Jarman ER, Sudowe S, Bros M, Knop J, Reske-Kunz AB. Induction of regulatory T cells by leflunomide in a murine model of contact allergen sensitivity. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Jul

Weigmann B, Nemetz A, Becker C, Schmidt J, Strand D, Lehr HA, Galle PR, Ho IC, Neurath MF. A critical regulatory role of leucin zipper transcription factor c-Maf in Th1-mediated experimental colitis. J Immunol. 2004 Sep 1;173(5):3446

Weigmann B, Neurath MF. T-bet as a possible therapeutic target in autoimmune disease. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2002 Dec;6(6):619

Weigmann B, Neurath MF. T-bet and mucosal Th1 responses in the gastrointestinal tract. Gut. 2002 Sep;51(3):301


Vanessa Popp hat am 21.4.2018 auf dem FALK Symposium 210 in Lissabon den 1. Posterpreis für das Poster mit dem Titel “Th1 transcription factor T-bet as a new target for Crohn’s disease therapy” erhalten. (FALK Symposium "Crossing New Borders in IBD: Thoughts and Demands – From Mechanisms to Treatment")

Vanessa Popp wurde mit dem Vortragspreis auf der 45.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Bayern e.V. in Würzburg am 23.6.2017 mit dem Titel „Der TH1 Transkriptionsfaktor T-bet als neues Target für die Morbus Crohn Therapie“ ausgezeichnet.

Katharina Gerlach hat am 27.9.2016 den Hans-Hech-Promotionspreis für die beste Promotionsarbeit auf dem Feld der klinische Immunologie von der deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie bei  der Jahrestagung 2016 verliehen bekommen.


Vanessa Popp wurde mit dem Vortragspreis auf der 43.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Bayern e.V. in Garmisch-Partenkirchen am 30.10.2015 ausgezeichnet.

Katharina Gerlach hat am 29.05.2014 auf dem FALK Symposium in Paris das "Poster of distinction" erhalten.(FALK Symposium 192 "Thinking out of the box")

Katharina Gerlach hat am 20.04.2013 den 1. Posterpreis auf dem FALK Symposium in Barcelona erhalten.
(FALK Symposium 187 "Overcoming Challenges in IBD Management")

Katharina Gerlach wurde mit dem Spitzen Poster PP1 auf der 40.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Bayern e.V. in Bamberg am 18.10.2012 ausgezeichnet.

Benno Weigmann hat am 05.05.2012 den Posterpreis auf dem Falk Symposium in Basel erhalten.
(FALK Symposium 183 "New aspects in IBD pathogenesis and therapy")

Katharina Gerlach hat den 1. Preis für den besten Vortrag 2011 bei der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie in Regensburg / Bayern am 15.10.2011 erhalten.


Die pro-inflammatorische Rolle von IL-9 bei der experimentellen Colitis



Tumorsuppressive Wirkung des Th2-assoziiertem Transkriptionsfaktor NFATc3 im experimentellen Tumormodell
