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Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Günther

Mukosale Infektionsbiologie

Unsere Forschungsgruppe interessiert sich für die Interaktion zwischen kommensalen oder pathogenen Mikroorganismen (Viren, Bakterien, Parasiten) und den Zellen des Magen-Darm-Trakts sowie des zentralen Nervensystems.

Insbesondere für die Auswirkungen der intestinalen Mikrobiota und mikrobieller Metaboliten auf angeborene Immunzellen im Darm, in der Leber, in den Gelenken und im ZNS.

Wir erwarten, dass unsere Ergebnisse neue Krankheitsmechanismen aufklären und dazu beitragen werden, neue Biomarker und therapeutische Optionen für Patienten mit immunvermittelten Entzündungskrankheiten zu identifizieren.



Publikationsauflistung von Prof. Claudia Günther



Stolzer, I., V. Kaden-Volynets, B. Ruder, M. Bittel, P. Rausch, M. Basic, A. Bleich, J.F. Baines, M.F. Neurath, S. Wirtz, S.C. Bischoff, C. Becker*, C. Günther* (2020) "Environmental microbial factors determine the pattern of inflammatory lesions in a murine model of Crohn´s disease like inflammation." Inflamm Bowel Dis, 1;26(1):66-79.* These authors equally contributed

Bittel M., A.E. Kremer, M. Stürzl, S. Wirtz, M. F. Neurath, G. Ballon, C. Günther. (2019) "Modulation of the extrinsic cell death signaling pathway by viral Flip induces acute-death mediated liver failure." Cell Death Dis., Nov 21;10(12):878.

Günther, C., B. Ruder, I. Stolzer, H. Dorner, G.W. He, M.T. Chiriac, K. Aden, A. Strigli, M. Bittel, S. Zeissig, P. Rosenstiel, R. Atreya, M. F. Neurath, S. Wirtz, C. Becker. (2019) "Interferon Lambda Promotes Paneth Cell Death Via STAT1 Signaling in Mice and Is Increased in Inflamed Ileal Tissues of Patients With Crohn's Disease." Gastroenterology Nov;157(5):1310-1322.

Patankar JV, Chiriac M, Lehmann M, Kühl AA, Atreya R, Becker C; Callaborators, Gonzalez-Acera M, Schmitt H, Gamez-Belmonte R, Mahapatro M, Diemand L, Hartmann L, Mascia F, Hracsko Z, Thonn V, Schödel L, Zielinska M, Yu Y, Erkert L, Li W, Zeitler M, Ruder B, Ganzleben I, C .Günther, Voehringer D, Zundler S, Neurath MF, Siegmund B. (2020) “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Attachment Receptor Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Is Decreased in Crohn's Disease and Regulated By Microbial and Inflammatory Signaling” Gastroenterology Oct 7;S0016-5085(20)35278-1.

Regensburger D, Tenkerian C, Pürzer V, Schmid B, Wohlfahrt T, Stolzer I, López-Posadas R, C .Günther, Waldner MJ, Becker C, Sticht H, Petter K, Flierl C, Gass T, Thoenissen T, Geppert CI, Britzen-Laurent N, Méniel VS, Ramming A, Stürzl M, Naschberger E. (2021) “Matricellular Protein SPARCL1 Regulates Blood Vessel Integrity and Antagonizes Inflammatory Bowel Disease” Inflamm Bowel Dis Jan 4;izaa346. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa346. (IF: 4,347)

Ganzleben I, Hohmann M, Grünberg A, Gonzales-Menezes J, Vieth M, Liebing E, C. Günther, Thonn V, Beß D, Becker C, Schmidt M, Neurath MF, Waldner MJ. (2020) „Topical application of Chlorin e6-PVP (Ce6-PVP) for improved endoscopic detection of neoplastic lesions in a murine colitis-associated cancer model.“ Sci Rep. Aug 4;10(1):13129. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-69570-2.

Ruder, R., C. Günther, M. Stürzl, M. F. Neurath, E. Cesarman, G. Ballon, C. Becker (2020) "Viral FLIP Blocks Caspase-8 Driven Apoptosis in the Gut in Vivo " PLoS ONE 15 (1), e0228441 2020 Jan 30

Dietrich, P., L. Wormser, V. Fritz, T. Seitz, M. De Maria, A. Schambony, A. E. Kremer, C. Günther, T. Itzel, W. E. Thasler, A. Teufel, J. Trebicka, A. Hartmann, M. F Neurath, S. von Hörsten, A. Bosserhoff, C. Hellerbrand (2020) "Molecular Cross-Talk Between Y5-receptor and Neuropeptide Y Drives Liver Cancer. " J Clin Invest Jan 30 [Online ahead of print]

Kaden-Volynets, V., C. Günther, J. Zimmermann, J. Beisner, C. Becker, S.C. Bischoff (2019). "Deletion of the Casp8 gene in mice results in ileocolitis, gut barrier dysfunction, and malassimilation, which can be partially attenuated by inulin or sodium butyrate." Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. Oct 1;317(4):G493-G507

Moerke C, I. Jaco, C. Dewitz, T. Müller, A.V. Jacobsen, J. Gautheron, J. Fritsch, J. Schmitz, J.H. Bräsen, C. Günther, J.M. Murphy, U. Kunzendorf, P. Meier, S. Krautwald. (2019) "The anticonvulsive Phenhydan® suppresses extrinsic cell death." Cell Death Differ. Sep;26(9):1631-1645.

Schubart, C., B. Krljanac, M. Otte, C. Symowski, E. Martini, C. Günther, C. Becker, C. Daniel, D. Voehringer (2019). „Selective expression of constitutively activated STAT6 in intestinal epithelial cells promotes differentiation of secretory cells and protection against helminths.” Mucosal Immunol. Mar;12(2):413-424.

Ganzleben, I., G.-W. He, C. Günther, E.-S. Prigge, K. Richter, R.J. Rieker, D. Mougiakakos, M.F. Neurath, C. Becker (2019). "PGAM5 is a key driver of mitochondrial dysfunction in experimental lung fibrosis." Cell Mol Life Sci. Dec;76(23):4783-4794.

Günther, C., T. Brevini, F. Sampaziotis, M. F. Neurath (2019). "What Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists should know about organoids in 2019. " Dig Liver Dis, doi.org/10.1016/j.dld.2019.02.020

Ruder, B., V. Murtadak, M. Stürzl, S. Wirtz, U. Distler, S. Tenzer, M. Mahapatro, F. R. Greten, Y. Hu5, M. F. Neurath1, E. Cesarman6, G. Ballon*, C. Günther* and Christoph Becker* (2018) “Chronic intestinal inflammation in mice expressing viral Flip in epithelial cells.” Mucosal Immunology [ahead of print]. * These authors equally contributed

Hefele, M., I. Stolzer, B. Ruder, G.W. He, M. Mahapatro, S. Wirtz, M.F. Neurath and C. Günther (2018). “Intestinal epithelial Caspase-8 signaling is essential to prevent necroptosis during Salmonella Typhimurium induced enteritis.” Mucosal Immunology [ahead of print].

Günther, C., G. W. He, A. E. Kremer, J. M. Murphy, E. J. Petrie, K. Amann, P. Vandenabeele, A. Linkermann, C. Poremba, U. Schleicher, C. Dewitz, S. Krautwald, M. F. Neurath, C. Becker and S. Wirtz (2016). "The pseudokinase MLKL mediates programmed hepatocellular necrosis independently of RIPK3 during hepatitis." J Clin Invest 126(11): 4346-4360.

He, G. W.*, C. Günther*, A. E. Kremer, V. Thonn, K. Amann, C. Poremba, M. F. Neurath, S. Wirtz and C. Becker (2016). "PGAM5-mediated programmed necrosis of hepatocytes drives acute liver injury." Gut. 66(4):716-723. * These authors equally contributed

Günther, C., C. Josenhans and J. Wehkamp (2016). "Crosstalk between microbiota, pathogens and the innate immune responses." Int J Med Microbiol 306(5): 257-265.

Günther, C., B. Buchen, G. W. He, M. Hornef, N. Torow, H. Neumann, N. Wittkopf, E. Martini, M. Basic, A. Bleich, A. J. Watson, M. F. Neurath and C. Becker (2015). "Caspase-8 controls the gut response to microbial challenges by Tnf-alpha-dependent and independent pathways." Gut 64(4): 601-610.

Günther, C., B. Buchen, M. F. Neurath and C. Becker (2014). "Regulation and pathophysiological role of epithelial turnover in the gut." Semin Cell Dev Biol 35: 40-50 (IF: 6,138)

Günther, C., H. Neumann and M. Vieth (2014). "Esophageal epithelial resistance." Dig Dis 32(1-2): 6-10.

Wittkopf, N.*, Günther, C.*, E. Martini, G. He, K. Amann, Y. W. He, M. Schuchmann, M. F. Neurath and C. Becker (2013). "Cellular FLICE-like inhibitory protein secures intestinal epithelial cell survival and immune homeostasis by regulating caspase-8." Gastroenterology 145(6): 1369-1379.           * These authors equally contributed

Günther, C., H. Neumann, M. F. Neurath and C. Becker (2013). "Apoptosis, necrosis and necroptosis: cell death regulation in the intestinal epithelium." Gut 62(7): 1062-1071.

Günther, C., E. Martini, N. Wittkopf, K. Amann, B. Weigmann, H. Neumann, M. J. Waldner, S. M. Hedrick, S. Tenzer, M. F. Neurath and C. Becker (2011). "Caspase-8 regulates TNF-alpha-induced epithelial necroptosis and terminal ileitis." Nature 477(7364): 335-339